The Piece for PEACE in Ghana [Inspired by the Rwandan GENOCIDE]

|War does not determine who is Right. Only who is LEFT|_Bertrand Russell

Think and ponder over the situation of chaos. Or let’s make this more meaningful and entertaining by moving into the theatre. I’m doubting that will be entertaining enough though, and that will be more hurtful if you have emotional intelligence of empathy. But let’s still run the test and forgo prejudice; another cause for conflict. It’s better to have a glimpse of the ramifications of war from the abstract than to actually experience it. Because experiencing it probably comes with the opportunity cost of your life, property [that’s even if you’ve acquired some], family, friends and loved ones.

The question should be “Is War worth all these?” rather than “Who is right?” After finding a seat in the theatre, insert “Sometimes in April” or “Hotel Rwanda“. That’s sad, that’s real sad. Well, you may say all those movies depicting War and Violence were acted out, therefore unreal. But let’s take a look at one of the various real life stories that inspired over 18 movies on the Rwandan Genocide. I choose to use this genocide because it was a political conflict attached to the flaws of tribalism (the battle between the Hutus & Tutsis). We see some element of tribalism within Ghanaian politics whether we admit it or not and that is threatening if we fail to learn from lessons history has to teach.

As an editor, I get to see works in their raw states before publication. In Prepare Africa Incorporated‘s forthcoming Magazine, Moses Asiimwe [MSc (IB&S) from Lancaster University-UK and Commonwealth Scholar] shares his experience as a kid faced with the genocide. Below is an excerpt from his account:

|If I were to narrate what I saw, you could possibly not complete this! However, something is really pushing its way out of my mouth…can’t hold it back. The events of that 4th May haunt me and will do so forever but guess what…they give me the courage to fight for the good. That afternoon when my aunt was trying to flee us to a nearby cassava plantation, so we can get something to eat since we were starving…dug-bear-cassava! Unfortunately, we fell in the hands of these militias with every weapon you’ve ever known save love. Since the rest of us were young boys, we didn’t possess the forbidden fruit…my aunt obviously had one, so she had to pay for it. They made us kneel down in front of her and they started ruthlessly raping her one after the other! As if that wasn’t enough, they cut her into pieces and….can’t complete this! How would I be alive then? They slaughtered everyone and in the process, I fell under the one next to me when it was his turn. Luckily, no one noticed me since it was getting dark and here I am! I carry one message for all…”Never Again.” Let’s all stand up against crime! Hate Hatred and Love Love.|
No one wants to be in his shoes. The Colours at best should be that of Ghana at all cost. Love Peace and Hate War; for we never want to be collating dead bodies and destroyed property. Let us employ our collating skills towards a habitable Ghana. No! We don’t want to be cut into pieces. We are not shawarma neither are we kebab. This is my piece for peace. Peace first, Ghana first.

#PieceForPeace #Hetura #HeturaBooks

Achaab Daniel ABALANSA
Twitter: @AcHaaB_dAn
IG: achaab_dan_gh


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